Architecture and interior design salaries in Houston

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Architecture and interior design salaries in Houston


The average salary for an Architect in Houston, TX is $91,000 per year.

The average salary for an Interior Designer in Houston, TX is $85,000 per year.

Job titles with an * beside them typically have commission or bonus on top of the outlined base salary.


Job title$ Low$ Average$ High
Architect (0-3 years) 54,000 67,000 74,000
Architect (3-6 years) 71,000 83,000 92,000
Architect (6-9 years) 90,000 100,000 113,000
Senior Architect (10+ yrs) 99,000 116,000 127,000
Project Designer 86,000 94,000 108,000
Senior Project Designer 110,000 120,000 129,000
Project Manager (8-12 yrs) 108,000 123,000 132,000
Senior Project Manager (10+ yrs) 118,000 132,000 147,000
BIM Coordinator 71,000 76,000 84,000
BIM Manager 83,000 92,000 103,000
Studio Director 103,000 113,000 118,000
Managing Principal 137,000 172,000 216,000
CEO/President 162,000 196,000 265,000

Interior Design

Job title$ Low$ Average$ High
Interior Architect (0-3 yrs) 49,000 55,000 64,000
Interior Architect (4-7 yrs) 59,000 74,000 98,000
Interior Architect (8+ yrs) 75,000 88,000 113,000
Interior Designer (0-3 yrs) 51,000 59,000 69,000
Interior Designer (4-7 yrs) 64,000 76,000 88,000
Interior Designer (8-11+ yrs) 76,000 98,000 113,000
Interior Designer (12 yrs+ ) 108,000 116,000 135,000
Project Manager 74,000 90,000 118,000
FF&E Specialist 76,000 81,000 93,000
Director of Design 103,000 120,000 196,000
Principal 127,000 176,000 225,000

Business Support

Job title$ Low$ Average$ High
Bookkeeper 54,000 65,000 80,000
Executive Assistant/PA 56,000 67,000 78,000
Studio/Office Manager 64,000 75,000 93,000
HR Manager 83,000 94,000 116,000
Operations Manager 74,000 90,000 103,000
Operations Director 98,000 118,000 127,000
Financial Director/CFO 103,000 127,000 162,000
Visualiser/Graphic Designer 64,000 71,000 83,000
Marketing Assistant/Coordinator 58,000 64,000 71,000
Marketing Manager 78,000 88,000 98,000
Marketing Director 93,000 99,000 157,000
Business Development Manager 83,000 93,000 118,000
Business Development Director 108,000 122,000 186,000

Architectural & Interior Products

Job title$ Low$ Average$ High
Showroom Sales 51,000 54,000 61,000
Showroom Manager 64,000 69,000 83,000
Project Manager 74,000 88,000 113,000
Project Coordinator 51,000 57,000 64,000
Outside Sales Rep* 49,000 59,000 69,000
Senior Outside Sales Rep* 67,000 74,000 103,000
Regional Sales Manager* 78,000 90,000 113,000
National Sales Manager 88,000 103,000 127,000
Kitchen/Bathroom Designer 54,000 59,000 69,000
Designer 64,000 78,000 93,000
Design Manager 108,000 123,000 137,000

Landscape Architecture

Job title$ Low$ Average$ High
Landscape Designer (0-5 yrs) 51,000 59,000 74,000
Landscape Architect (5-10 yrs) 64,000 80,000 90,000
Senior Landscape Architect (10+ yrs) 85,000 98,000 120,000
Houston Salary Guide


2024 A&D Salary Guide


Health & Wellbeing

Medical coverage 75% firm/25% emp. contrib. 80% coverage 100% coverage (dependents inc.)
Dental/vision Plan offered (no contrib.) 100% coverage 100% coverage (dependents inc.)
Healthcare flexible spending account (HSA)
Long-term disability insurance
Life insurance
Employee assistance program (EAP)
Wellness program
Fitness club discount
Pet insurance

Career Development

Professional exam costs Partial reimbursement PTO & reimbursement
Membership and licensure fees Some costs covered Paid annual dues
Professional development program

Work-Life Balance

Paid time off (vacation, holidays and sick leave) 25 days 28 days 39+ days
Hybrid working 2 days p/w 3-4 days p/w Full hybrid
Commuter benefits program
Summer hours program
Extended parental leave

Workplace Perks

Phone/laptop provided
Paid charity/volunteer day

Financial Benefits

Retirement Savings Plan Plan offered (no contrib.) 2-4% matching contrib. 5-8% matching contrib.
Discretionary bonus
Annual profit share/bonus
Houston Salary Guide


2024 A&D Salary Guide

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