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10 tips to ace your interview

Every employee has one thing in common: they've experienced the 'interview.' Whether you love them or hate them, they're an essential part to any application process.

There may not be a one-size-fits-all formula to cracking the interview but there are certain points that’ll go a long way. We’ve gathered up our top ten tips that any candidate can utilize at any kind of interview and hopefully snag the job!

1. Turn up on time!

Show up ten minutes before your interview. In fact, plan to show up half an hour early, but do not go in until fifteen minutes before. Note that some buildings take some time to clear security so account for that as well.

2. Practice the pitch!

Yes you are pitching for a role, just as if you were pitching for a project with a client. Be clear, concise, and to the point. Again, focus on your roles and experiences and how it relates to the job.

3. Be proactive.

Research the firm. See what you can find out about their company beliefs, culture, and how you align with them. We always encourage candidates to look at the website, Utilize LinkedIn pages and any social media outlets to gather information. On your interview, comment on noteworthy awards or initiatives during the interview if appropriate.

4. Have a very clear picture of what you can bring to the firm.

Always demonstrate your value, your strengths, and what you can bring to the position and the company overall. Focus on your strengths and come prepared with a positive spin to your weaknesses.

5. Demonstrate your value by adding real life examples.

Specific examples are more effective than general ideas. Always use examples, make it real. When speaking of your experiences and positive traits, take time to include your role and involvement in projects that specifically demonstrate your value. Is there a piece of work you are particularly proud of? Bring it and highlight your abilities!

6. Be clear on why you are interviewing.

If you’re looking for a place to grow or the next step in your career, be clear about your intentions and the reasons you are there. However, it is never a great idea to speak negatively about your current or last employer, instead focus on what you learned from this experience and what you hope to find moving forward.

7. Demonstrate progression.

Analyze your experience and talk about each role and how it has added to your professional growth. Whether it be as simple as gaining a greater understanding of a program or process to working on different projects or more interesting and uncommon experiences, demonstrate how your career has progressed and take them on a journey through your experience.

8. Be clear on where you want to go.

For example, if you are a recent graduate and hope to learn and grow in the industry, let them know.

9. Details!

Plan your route to the interview and allow yourself extra time for travel; know who you are meeting and their role at the company. Appropriate dress code is also important. If in doubt, make more effort than usual because it will be noticed! Try to avoid smoking or eating immediately before an interview, take a mint with you just in case!

10. Leave salary to the professionals!

Demonstrate your skills, experience, and expertise in the first interview. If a second interview follows, leave the salary negotiation to us. After all, we do it every day and will always act in your best interest.

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